For Buyers
One platform for all Stakeholders
Vendor Management is a company-wide effort and SupplHi supports the needs of all Users across your organization:
SupplHi is a cloud-based and modular SaaS, covering all needs in a single platform. Select the APPs that you need the most and seamlessly grow over time, for additional benefits.
Vendor Scouting
Access to Vendors’ basic information that are immediately available on the SupplHi platform across the geographies and categories of supply of your interest
- Save time and money on consulting scouting activities: the information on SupplHi is already a click-away from you
- Access to structured and quality-assured information on over 50.000 Vendors, from 110 geographies, globally
- Explore the vendor base through the unique SupplHi Standard Categorization of 2.800 Categories of supply, covering all potential needs
- Narrow down your searches with advanced filters, create Lists with your results, share with colleagues and easily download them
Vendor Register
Manage a fully digital and compliant Vendor Register of your Company, always updated to reflect your evolving business needs
- Invite your Vendors to register free-of-charge to manage a fully compliant Vendor database
- Avoid duplicates on Vendor’s basic data by leveraging on the disambiguation performed by SupplHi
- Receive constantly updated and already quality-assured information on your Vendors (e.g. new Certifications, HSE data, …), without effort
- Save time to you and to the entire supply chain: many of your Vendors are likely to be already present on SupplHi
Vendor Qualification management
Manage and track your Qualification evaluation and approval processes related to a Vendor in a specific category(ies) of supply and location(s)
- Save up to 40% of time of your senior resources through an efficient digital Qualification process, with full audit trail
- Take decisions on the Qualification of your Vendors leveraging on quality-assured information
- Easily extend existing Qualifications – when needed – to adjacent categories of supply and locations
- Monitor the processes and immediately generate a constantly updated and compliant List of Qualified Vendors
- Easily generated your Approved Vendor List (AVL), also as the source for your Project Vendor Lists (PVL)
Vendor Performance Evaluation
Manage performance evaluation processes of your Vendors through effective surveys evaluated and approved by colleagues during the lifecycle of the supplies
- Save up to 50% of time of your senior resources through highly effective surveys to the right colleagues involved in the supply
- Evaluate your Vendors in real-time during every phase of the supply, without waiting the end of the full supply cycle
- Combine it with the information from your ERP (e.g. Delivery time, Non-Conformities, …) to provide more inputs to the Evaluators and Approvers
- Leverage on the managerial dashboards – at Vendor, Category, Project, and Division level – that allows for prompt and actionable decisions
Sustainable Supply Chain (ESG Meter)
Monitor the Sustainability performances of your Vendors and Sub-Vendors – covering Human Rights, Environment, Local Content, Ethics, Circular Economy
- Access to already collected information on the Sustainability (Environmental, Social and Governance) of your Vendors
- Invite your Vendors and their sub-Vendors to gain visibility on Sustainability across your entire Supply Chain
- Compare Vendors on their Sustainability practices in each ESG dimension, set thresholds of acceptability for your organization and select your best vendors
- Reduce your Sustainability-related risks and stimulate the improvement of the Sustainability performance of your Supply Chain
Vendor Compliance Checks
Access to Compliance data – Sanction Lists, PEPs and Adverse Media – integrated into a single Vendor Management system to perform your Compliance Checks, also based on automation
- Setup your Compliance Checks’ process by involving multiple stages of the relationship with the Vendor (at Vendor Onboarding, order emission, …) and different information sources (Sanction Lists, PEP, Adverse Media) as well depths (company only, entire corporate structure, ultimate beneficiary, …)
- Easy-to-perform massive checks on Vendors already integrated with your Vendor data and possibility – at any time – to perform on-demand checks
- Immediately leverage on the key international Sanction Lists (OFAC SDN and Consolidated, United Nations, World Bank, Consolidated list of persons, EU, …) available on SupplHi for searches and automatic checks on your Vendor base
- For PEPs and Adverse Media, SupplHi is flexible in integrating with your preferred Data Provider(s) with a Bring Your Own License (BYOL) model
Vendor Risk Monitoring
View and manage multiple types of Risk Assessment Scores, automatically calculated based on your Risk Templates (weights, data sources, …) defined with SupplHi in the setup phase:
- Set “acceptability thresholds” that automatically trigger warnings on risk levels
- Access to the automatically estimated economic impact of risks
- Define automatic recommendations on how to mitigate each risk
- Automatically engage the most appropriate “risk owner” to activate remedial actions
- Access to dashboards dedicated to the different Risk Owners / Managers and export data to any BI tool
Supply Chain Scope 3 GHG emissions (Carbon Tracker)
Set reduction targets and track the carbon footprint of your industrial B2B Suppliers and Sub-Suppliers:
- Carbon emission estimate one-to-many, with savings for both Buyers and Suppliers
- Invite your Vendors and their sub-Vendors to gain visibility on their carbon emissions across your entire Supply Chain
- Move from secondary to primary and granular and realistic data (when possible with cradle-to-gate information) to monitor your Supply Chain
- Suppliers digitally define CO2 reduction targets by leveraging on a standard taxonomy of improvement actions
- Stimulate and reward Carbon Emission reduction initiatives
- Cascade ambitions through the supply chain (e.g. sub-suppliers)
- Reduce the carbon impact of your company and stimulate initiatives of carbon reduction
Vendor Bank Account validation
Protect from frauds, by collecting and validating Vendors’ Bank Accounts to be assured that a specific Bank Account belongs to a specific Vendor
- Add/edit in full compliance a Vendor Bank Account
- Check with Banking system of the match between Bank Account and the VAT / Fiscal Code of the holder
- Detection and reporting of errors and anomalies
- Obtain automatic validation of Vendors’ Bank Accounts through the integration with the Banking System, made possible within the European Open Banking directive
Supply Chain Initiatives (Strategic Sourcing, Collaboration & Innovation)
Create initiatives on your supply chain – on Strategic Sourcing, Collaboration & Innovation – and keep track of activities and value created
- Create new initiatives on Supply Chain, either internal (e.g. strategic sourcing) or external (collaboration and innovation with Suppliers)
- Define a list of Suppliers to be involved (by geography, category of supply and several other criteria), also by setting minimum requirements
- Push innovations at new and existing Suppliers and pull innovations where Suppliers propose their solution
- Easily keep track of Supply Chain Initiatives in a central repository with automatic reminders to colleagues and to Suppliers
Lists of Vendors
Create, follow, and share any type of List of Vendors – e.g. Company Master Vendor List, Project Vendor Lists – performing quick matching among them
- Leverage on advanced filters to create – in few clicks – Lists of Vendors for your specific needs
- Share your Vendor Lists with your colleagues, with possibility of joint editing – avoiding the exchange of complex-to-handle Excel files
- Request the digitalization of Project Vendors Lists to understand the degree of coverage and to plan new Qualifications
- Save time to perform immediate comparisons among Lists to understand the degree of coverage (e.g. Master List vs. Project Vendor List)
Vendor Campaigns
Launch and manage campaigns to a highly-targeted audience of Vendors – e.g. by Category of supply, geography – to request clarifications or information
- Filter your Vendors (e.g. by category of supply, geography, …) to reach only those that are relevant for the scope of your Campaign
- Leverage on of SupplHi’s Standard Templates to facilitate and expedite the launch your Campaigns
- Monitor your Campaign in real-time with visualization of the number of emails delivered -or bounced- as well as the number of opened emails
- Rest assured by the support by SupplHi Team which offers translations to templates to ensure better outcome of the Campaign
Category Spending Analytics
Easily view the analysis and synthetic indicators of the purchases of recent years, in all product categories and in an integrated way with regard to your Vendor base
- Capture trends by combining the future purchases with the historical purchases realized in the same categories of supplies to
- Store all spending information on one single platform, leveraging on a detailed Categorization for better accuracy
- View spending details at Vendor, Category of Supply and Project level
- Generate and export insightful Reports on your Procurement activities to use as input for your future commercial efforts
Vendor Assessment Visits
Plan, generate and share with the industry reports of qualification assessment visits at Vendor’s production locations based on the standard model created by SupplHi
- Easily Plan Assessment Visits by selecting an Assessor among the pool of qualified resources of your Organization or request the support of an independent 3rd party
- Monitor – at any stage of the assessment visit – the progress of the activities and the main interactions with Vendors
- Generate – once the visit is complete – the Assessment Visit Report with evidences from the field attached – automatically saved in the Vendor Profile on SupplHi
- Access to standardized Reporting on Assessment Visit activities performed by your resources
Vendor Improvement Actions
Keep constant tracking of Improvement Actions and Plans on your Vendor base – generated on SupplHi or on other systems
- Define corrective action plans – automatically or through the Assessment by colleagues or by external Assessors – visible on platform to your colleagues
- Update the status of the Improvement Actions, with automatic follow ups delivered to the relevant actors involved
- Decide whether to share the Corrective Action Plan with the Vendor, for its comments and update of the actions being carried out
- Access to dedicated dashboards and reporting
Category Procurement Planning
Plan the future purchases of supplies in the different geographies and categories of supply required for the execution of the planned activities of your company
- Estimate the future purchase to plan for Category Management initiatives (Frame Agreements, …)
- Collect constantly updated inputs by your Commercial Team by sharing a dedicated dashboard on the planned type of activities
- Easily identify operational synergies in cross-project and cross-company purchases
- Enlarge your vendor base in accordance to your future business needs
Master Vendor Data
Use SupplHi as Master Vendor Data for your organization to better manage your Data on Vendors before entering other systems through integration
- Select the best fitting strategy for your Vendor Management needs and use SupplHi as “Master Data Source” or as “Slave Node”
- Easily synchronize Vendors information with your ERP
- Centralize Vendors data management avoiding silos’ approach
- Increase collaboration preventing inconsistencies between the data
- Improve business efficiency using data driven processes
Single-Sign-On (SSO)
SupplHi supports integration with an external IDP to allow your colleagues to access the platform without need of new credentials
- Leverage on Single-Sign-On integration and simplify the access to SupplHi SaaS for your users
- Manage your User Management rights with automatic and certified flow for User Provisioning and De-provisioning
APIs for system integration
Integrate SupplHi with your ERP and your other systems through a set of standard APIs
- Integrate SupplHi – in a secure and certified way -with your ERP as well as other systems (P2P, Document Management, Ticketing systems, Governance, Risk Management & Compliance systems, Analytics tools, …)
- Increase collaboration preventing inconsistencies between the data
- Improve business efficiency using data driven processes
External Data Providers (Financials, Compliance, Cyber ratings, ...)
Access to external data on Vendors – e.g. financial rating indicators, PEP and Adverse Media for compliance, cyber security ratings, … – integrated into a single Vendor Management system
- Define the integration required for your objectives, typically leveraging on a Bring-Your-Own-License (BYOL) model
- Enhance Vendor Scouting results by gathering detailed financial information on Vendors also in terms of M&A’s, Directors, Shareholders, …
- View, compare and monitor information collected on Vendors through Data Provider(s) in a single Vendor Profile
- Focus on your strategic Vendor perimeter, reducing Data Provider subscription costs
SupplAuth (Vendor User authentication and authorization)
Obtain Supplier User Authentication and Authorization across multiple systems:
- Avoid the proliferation of credentials (with different levels of security) by centralizing the supplier authentication process
- Trust the connection of each User to a uniquely identified Supplier
- Manage the Identity Governance of the Suppliers and their access in Compliance with the SoD
- Have access to a Single Point of Truth where to manage the access of your Supply Chain (including IT integrators and providers, …) to your systems
- Leverage on the best-of-breed market tools (Azure AD), with possibility of integration with eIDAS
- Ensure “least privilege necessary” and automatic revoking of access to specific tools at the end of Supplier’s contractual relationship
- Promptly revoke access to your systems to Users present in Sanction Lists, PEP and Adverse Media
Categorization review
Enhance your Categorization of equipment and services to better support all your business’s needs, starting from a strong vision on the supply market competition
- Leverage on SupplHi’s Categorization unique expertise and experience to create a Categorization that reflects the market competition and meets your Organization’s needs
- Optimize your already existing custom Categorization with SupplHi’s Categorization experts to get the most of your Categorization efforts
Project Vendor Lists’ Digitalization
Save time by requesting to the SupplHi Team the digitalization of Project Vendor Lists of any type and format
- Save time by requesting to the SupplHi Team the digitalization of Project Vendor Lists of any type and format
- Act faster by having at your disposal a digital Vendor List that is connected to Vendors’ ID, with possibility to visit their Vendor Profile or invite them to register for involving them in Qualification processes
- Export the digitalized Vendor List in a standardized XLS file to store it offline or share it with your colleagues on the platform with possibility of jointly editing it by adding relevance details and notes
Tailor Made Analyses
Tailor Made scouting of Vendors and market analyses, focused around niche equipment and services
- Leverage on SupplHi’s consolidated methodology to deliver market analyses in niche segments of the industrial supply chains – SupplHi’s Tailor Made activities have been leveraged by End Users, Contractors, OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturers) and Service Providers from all around the world